1 kb DNA Ladder II (1 ml)

1 kb DNA Ladder II (1 ml)

Cat. #: M0043
Availability: In Stock
Description: The 1 kb DNA Ladder II consists of 8 DNA fragments, which are 1 kb, 2 kb, 3 kb, 4 kb, 5 kb, 6kb, 8 kb, and 10 kb, respectively. This product already contains 1× Loading Buffer and 5 µl marker can be directly loaded for electrophoresis gel. It is very convenient to use. The 5 kb DNA fragment is about 150 ng, which is the brightest band. The amount of DNA for other bands is about 50 ng.
Source: Phenol extracted PCR products and dsDNA digested with specific restriction enzymes, equilibrated in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 10 mM EDTA.
Specialty: 1. Range: 1000 ~ 10,000 bp
2. Number of bands: 8
3. Recommended Load: 5 μl / well
Component: 1. 1 kb DNA Ladder II: 500 µl
Storage: Store at -20°C for 24 months
Documents: Manual

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