Adenovirus ELOVL2 (200 μl)

Adenovirus ELOVL2 (200 μl)

Cat. #: M1267
Availability: In Stock
Product Category:   Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3) expressing ELOVL2 gene under CMV promoter.
Description:   Elongation Of Very Long Chain Fatty Acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3, Yeast)-like 2, pre-made adenovirus, ready to ship and ready to use format.
Gene:   Elongation Of Very Long Chain Fatty Acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3, Yeast)-like 2
NCBI Acc. #:   BC060809.1
Gene ID:   54898
GI Number:   38174248
Fusion Tag:   C-terminus V5 epitope
Promoter:   CMV
Storage Buffer:   DMEM with 2.5% BSA, 2.5% glycerol
Background:   ELOVL2 could be implicated in tissue-specific synthesis of very long chain fatty acids and sphingolipids. This protein may catalyze one or both of the reduction reaction in fatty acid elongation, i. e., conversion of beta-ketoacyl CoA to beta-hydroxyacyl CoA or reduction of trans-2-enoyl CoA to the saturated acyl CoA derivative.
Documents: Please contact us to request the manual

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