Adenovirus KLF4 (200 μl)

Adenovirus KLF4 (200 μl)

Cat. #: M1208
Availability: In Stock
Product Category:   Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3) expressing Kruppel-like Factor 4 (gut) (KLF4) under a CMV promoter.
Description:   Kruppel-like Factor 4 (gut), pre-made adenovirus, ready to ship and ready to use format.
Gene:   Kruppel-like Factor 4 (gut)
NCBI Acc. #:   BC029923
Gene ID:   9314
GI Number:   9314
Fusion Tag:   No
Promoter:   CMV
Titer:   1x1010~1x1011 PFU/ml
Storage Buffer:   DMEM with 2.5% BSA, 2.5% glycerol
Background:   Kruppel like factor 4 (KLF4) protein is encoded by the KLF4 gene located on chromosome 9 in humans. It is also known as gut-enriched Kruppel-like factor (GKLF) or epithelial zinc-finger protein (EZF) and belongs to a family of conserved Kruppel-like factor family of DNA binding zinc finger transcription factors. KLF4 exerts its functional relevance across varied cellular pathways. As one of the four Yamanaka factors, it plays a key role in reprogramming differentiated cells into pluripotent stem cells. Most studies have focused on its specific role in endothelial cell signaling, adipogenesis, differentiation, embryogenesis and cell cycle control. Localization plays an important role in the biological significance of this protein wherein nuclear localization is associated with its function as an oncogene and cytosolic localization with tumor suppression specific effect.
Documents: Please contact us to request the manual

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