Adenovirus mMAFA (200 μl)

Adenovirus mMAFA (200 μl)

Cat. #: M1143
Availability: In Stock
Product Category:   Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3) expressing v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian) (Mafa) under CMV promoter.
Description:   v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian) (Mafa), pre-made adenovirus, ready to ship and ready to use format.
Gene:   v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian) (Mafa)
NCBI Acc. #:   NM_194350
Gene ID:   378435
GI Number:   34996508
Fusion Tag:   No
Promoter:   CMV
Titer:   1x1010~1x1011 PFU/ml
Storage Buffer:   DMEM with 2.5% BSA, 2.5% glycerol
Background:   Members of the Maf family of basic region/leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors affect transcription in either a positive or negative fashion, depending on their particular protein partner and the context of the target promoter. c-Maf (Maf-2) and the closely related family members.MAFA acts as a transcriptional factor. Specifically binds the insulin enhancer element RIPE3b and activates insulin gene expression. Cooperates synergistically with NEUROD1 and PDX1. Phosphorylation by GSK3 increases its transcriptional activity and is required for its oncogenic activity.
Documents: Please contact us to request the manual

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