Cell Biology Products

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Fluo-2, AM is one of the original Fluo series of Ca2+ indicators invented by Roger Tsien in the 1980s. Fluo-2, AM has been found to be much brighter (..
Fluo-3, AM is a membrane permeant probe and can be passively loaded in cells by simple incubation. Once inside the cell, Fluo-3 becomes fluorescent in..
Fluo-4, AM is a membrane permeant probe and can be passively loaded in cells by simple incubation. Once inside the cell, Fluo-4 becomes fluorescent in..
Rhod-2, AM is a long wavelength cell-permeant Ca2+ indicator. It can be loaded into cells via incubation and used for quantifying intracellular Ca2+ c..
Coelenterazine is a bioluminescence probe for measuring Ca2+ concentration in cells with a high sensitivity and large dynamic range. Coelenterazine (n..
MQAE is a 6-methoxyquinolinium derivative and is a fluorescent indicator for intracellular Cl–. This dye detects the ion via diffusion-limited collisi..
The chloride indicator MEQ has absorption/emission maxima ~344/440. MEQ can be reduced to create the cell-permeant dihydro-MEQ (DiH-MEQ) which can be ..
The chloride indicator SPQ has absorption/emission maxima ~344/443 and detects Cl– via diffusion-limited collisional quenching. Specifications1. ..
Di-4-ANEPPS is a fast-response probe that used to measure membrane potential changes. ANEP dyes are molecules that fluoresce in response to elect..
Di-8-ANEPPS is a fast-response probe that used to measure membrane potential changes. ANEP dyes are molecules that fluoresce in response to elect..
Showing 81 to 90 of 149 (15 Pages)

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