Metagenomics Sequencing

Metagenomics Sequencing

In metagenomics, genomes from environmental samples are analyzed without the prior isolation and cultivation of individual species, and, therefore, it is a powerful technique for studying microbial communities in their natural habitat, with a broad range of applications.

Key Features

• Highly experienced: We have completed over 400 metagenomic sequencing projects for our customers, and have published multiple metagenomic studies.
• Outstanding service: We provide high-quality sequencing, an efficient standard workflow, and bioinformatics analyses at a cost-effective price.
• Effective methodology: Our techniques enhance the generation of data from low-abundance species.
• Comprehensive analysis: Expert bioinformatics analysis with three databases (KEGG, eggNOG, CAZy) provides comprehensive data on annotated genes and metabolic pathways. 

Online Quote

Please click the button on the right side and login to your account to request a quote. 

Service Overview

Sequencing Strategy: 1. 300 bp insert DNA library
2. HiSeq platform, paired-end 150 bp
Data Quality Guarantee: Each sample generates at least 5-10 Gb raw data, with Q30 ≥ 80%.
Sample Requirements: 1. DNA amount: ≥ 0.8 μg (for one library preparation)
2. DNA concentration: ≥ 20 ng/μl
2. Purity: OD260/280 = 1.8 - 2.0 without degradation or RNA contamination
Turnaround Time: 1. Within 15 business days from verification of sample quality (without data analysis)
2. Additional 10 business days for data analysis
Recommended Sequencing Depth: Two strategies: 6 Gb raw data or 12 Gb raw data

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Our Location

405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
