LiFluor™ 488-X-dUTP can be enzymatically incorporated into DNA with Reverse Transcriptases, Taq DNA Polymerase, phi29 DNA Polymerase, Klenow Fragment, exo-, Klenow Fragment, and DNA Polymerase I. The X linker between LiFluor™ 488 and dUTP can improve the incorporation efficiency.
Key Features
• Bright signals with low background.
• Wide variety of fluorophores.
• Great for many applications, like Fluorescence in situ Hybridization, TUNEL and more.
1. Ex/Em: 500/525 nm
Enzymatic non-radioactive labeling of DNA during cDNA synthesis, PCR, nick-translation, random primed labeling, or primer extension.
1. LiFluor™ 488-X-dUTP: 25 μl, 1 mM in TE buffer
Store at -20°C