RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit (50 preps)

RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit (50 preps)

Cat. #: GDP441
Availability: In Stock
Special price:$289.00
Old price:$329.00
You save:$40.00

The RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit (Polysaccharides & Polyphenolics-rich) is a silicon matrix purification RNA extraction kit developed for multiple plant samples with polysaccharides and polyphenolics. It is supplied with Buffer SL with superb lysis ability. High-purity total RNA without gDNA can be extracted from the fleshes of bananas, watermelons, apples, pears, the tubers of sweet potatoes, potatoes, as well as the leaves of cotton, rose, alfalfa, rice and white pine needles within 1 hour.

Key Features

Targeted: It is specially formulated for plant samples that are difficult to extract, such as polysaccharides and polyphenolics-rich plants. The process is more optimized, and the results are reliable.

Efficient removal of gDNA: High-efficient DNase I is supplied for rapid removal of gDNA on the column.

Easy and fast: RNA extraction experiments can be completed within 1 hour.

Safe and low toxicity: No toxic organic reagents such as phenol and chloroform are needed.


This kit can be directly used for various molecular biology experiments such as RT-PCR, real time PCR, Northern Blot, Dot Blot, PolyA screening, in vitro translation, RNase protection analysis, and cloning, etc.


1. Buffer SG: 40 ml
2. Buffer RW3: 40 ml
3. Buffer RW: 12 ml
4. Proteinase K: 500 μl
5. RNase-Free ddH2O: 15 ml
6. gDNA Eraser Columns set: 50
7. RNase-Free Columns CR4 set: 50
8. RNase-Free Centrifuge Tubes (1.5 ml): 50


Store at room temperature.

Case Study

Plant RNA extraction kit

Total RNA was extracted from 100 mg fleshes of banana, watermelon, apple and pear, tubers of sweet potato and potato, leaves of cotton, rose, alfalfa, rice and white pine needles respectively using RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit. 4-6 μl of 30 μl eluates were loaded per lane.


1. Haplotype-resolved genome of Mimosa bimucronata revealed insights into leaf movement and nitrogen fixation. 
Publication: BMC Genomics        Product: RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit

2. Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses of the effects of bagging treatment on carotenoid biosynthesis and regulation of Areca catechu L. 
Publication: Frontiers in Plant Science        Product: RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit

3. Molecular characterization and expression pattern of Rubisco activase gene GhRCA2 in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 
Publication: Genes & genomics        Product: RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit

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