LiPure™ NGS Library Prep Beads (5 ml)

LiPure™ NGS Library Prep Beads (5 ml)

Cat. #: M0131
Availability: In Stock
Key Feature: • Ratio-dependent size selection of nucleic acid.  
• High binding capacity for high recovery yield.  
• Slow sedimentation for fast and efficient target capture.  
Description: LiPure™ NGS Library Prep Beads are used for nucleic acid size selection in the library construction process for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). LiPure™ NGS Library Prep Beads are uniform and stable with high binding capacity, and slow sedimentation. The Beads are suspended in an optimized binding buffer that facilitates the ratio-metric size selection of NGS DNA/RNA library.
Applications: • PCR Clean-up
• Size Selection
• NGS Library Prep
1. LiPure™ NGS Library Prep Beads: 5 ml
At 2-8°C

Case Study

NGS Library Prep Beads

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