LiPure™ PCR Clean-up Beads (5 ml)

LiPure™ PCR Clean-up Beads (5 ml)

Cat. #: M0130
Availability: In Stock

LiPure™ PCR Clean-up Beads allow rapid and reliable isolation DNA from PCR and other enzymatic reactions with high yield. The system combines our proprietary DNA extraction chemistries with the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of magnetic beads that selectively bind PCR amplicons 100 bp and larger and eliminate excess nucleotides, primers, and nonspecific products such as primer dimers. Purified DNA can be used in T-A ligations, sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion, and various other labeling reactions.

Key Features

Rapid: Purification of PCR products in less than 10 minutes. 

Safe: No Phenol/chloroform extractions.    

High-quality: DNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications. 


DNA isolation from PCR and other enzymatic reactions.


1. Sample Source: PCR products, enzymatic reactions

2. Sample Input: 10-50 μl

3. Elution Volume: 30-50 μl

3. Technology: Magnetic Beads


1. LiPure™ PCR Clean-up Beads: 5 ml


Store at  -20°C.

Case Study

PCR Clean-up Beads

Different size DNA fragments were cleaned up with LiPure™ PCR Clean-up Beads. DNA was analyzed on a 1% agarose gel.



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