Adenovirus ABD-GFP (200 µl)

Adenovirus ABD-GFP (200 µl)

Cat. #: M1025
Availability: In Stock
Product Category: Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3); Ad-CMV-ABD-GFP; Ad-ABD-GFP    
Gene Name: GFP fusion with actin binding domain    
Summary: E1/E3 deletion, type 5 adenovirus with a GFP fused at the C-terminus of actin binding domain. This fused GFP can be used as a tool for investigating the structural dynamics of the cytoskele of living cells, overcoming the disadvantage of phalloidin which can only stain the fixed cells.
Promoter: CMV
Titer: 1×1010 ~ 1×1011 PFU/ml
Storage Buffer: DMEM with 2% BSA & 2.5% Glycerol
Documents: Manual
Adenovirus ABD-GFP

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