Adenovirus HDAC11 (200 μl)

Adenovirus HDAC11 (200 μl)

Cat. #: M1247
Availability: In Stock
Product Category:   Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3) expressing Histone Deacetylase 11 under CMV promoter.
Description:   Histone Deacetylase 11, pre-made adenovirus, ready to ship and ready to use format.
Gene:   Histone Deacetylase 11
NCBI Acc. #:   BC009676
Gene ID:   79885
GI Number:   16307173
Fusion Tag:   C-terminus V5 epitope tag
Promoter:   CMV
Titer:   1x1010~1x1011 PFU/ml
Storage Buffer:   DMEM with 2.5% BSA, 2.5% glycerol
Background:   The HDAC11 gene encodes a class IV histone deacetylase. The encoded protein is localized to the nucleus and may be involved in regulating the expression of interleukin 10. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.
Documents: Please contact us to request the manual

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