Adenovirus STK4 (200 µl)

Adenovirus STK4 (200 µl)

Cat. #: M1072
Availability: In Stock
Product Category: 
Human Adenovirus Type5 (dE1/E3) expressing Serine/threonine Kinase 4 (STK4).
Description: Serine/threonine Kinase 4, premade adenovirus, ready to ship and ready to use format.
Gene: Serine/threonine Kinase 4
NCBI Acc. #: NM_006282
Gene ID: 6789
GI Number: 38327560
Fusion Tag: No
Promoter: CMV
Titer: 1E+10~1E+11 PFU/ml
Storage Buffer: DMEM with 2.5% BSA, 2.5% glycerol
Background:   The protein encoded by STK4 gene is a cytoplasmic kinase that is structurally similar to the yeast Ste20p kinase, which acts upstream of the stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. The encoded protein can phosphorylate myelin basic protein and undergoes autophosphorylation. A caspase-cleaved fragment of the encoded protein has been shown to be capable of phosphorylating histone H2B. The particular phosphorylation catalyzed by this protein has been correlated with apoptosis, and it's possible that this protein induces the chromatin condensation observed in this process.
Documents: Please contact us to request the manual

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