mRNA sequencing (mRNA-Seq), a method of transcriptome profiling based on deep-sequencing technologies, provides a more precise measurement of transcript levels and their isoforms with a complete snapshot of the coding transcriptome than other methods such as microarray analysis. Transcriptome sequencing with longer read length enables the identification of novel transcripts, alternative splicing and gene fusions, and scientists can identify biomarkers or key regulated genes, key functional genes related to different phenotypes, as well as key factors in temporal changes. RNA-Seq quantification with shorter read length can simultaneously measure the expression levels of many transcripts. It is widely used in disease research, drug response research, pharmacokinetics, and personalized healthcare research.

Key Features

1. Extensive experience with >30,000 samples successfully sequenced in over 5,000 completed projects and articles published on transcriptome sequencing results across different species.
2. Unsurpassed data quality with a guaranteed Q30 score ≥80% that exceeds Illumina’s official guarantee.
3. Comprehensive data analysis using widely accepted mainstream software and mature in-house pipeline to discover novel transcripts, differential expressions, and function annotations.
4. Free, powerful bioinformatic software that enables LifeSct customers to easily access and visualize data analysis results and annotations through a user-friendly interface.

Online Quote

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Service Overview

Sequencing Strategy: 1. 250~300 bp insert cDNA library
2. HiSeq platform, paired-end 150 bp (Transcriptome sequencing)
3. HiSeq platform, single-end 50 bp (RNA-Seq quantification)
Data Quality Guarantee: Our data quality guarantee, as measured by the percentage of bases with a sequencing quality score above Q30 (PE 150, ≥80%; SE 50, ≥90%), exceeds Illumina’s official guarantee (PE 150, ≥75%; SE 50, ≥80%).
Sample Requirements: 1. Total RNA amount: ≥ 1.0 μg; RNA concentration: ≥ 50 ng/μl (For human and mouse, 200 ng could be accepted with risk.)
2. RIN value ≥ 6.3 for plants and fungi; RIN value ≥ 6.8 for animals
3. OD260/280 ≥ 2.0, OD260/230 ≥ 2.0, without degradation and DNA contamination
4. FFPE sample: > 10 scrolls or slides. Samples should be tested as pre-qualified by gel electrophoresis before sample submission.
Turnaround Time: 1. Within 15 working days from verification of sample quality without data analysis
2. The turnaround for data analysis is project dependent.
Recommended Sequencing Depth: ≥ 20 M reads

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405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
