RNA Modifications

RNA Modifications

The delivery method and efficiency are the key factors for whether small nucleic acid drugs can enter cells and play a role. There are several delivery approaches, the naked RNA modification delivery technology, liposome nano-delivery technology, conjugated delivery system (small molecule ligands, antibodies, and other molecules), and other types of new delivery systems. LifeSct provides comprehensive RNA modification, labeling, and conjugation services to meet the needs of different types of nucleic acid drug delivery. Backed by expertise and innovation, we're your partners in advancing research.

Key Features

• Customized synthesis and flexible synthesis specifications, we can provide large-scale RNA synthesis
• Experienced production and R&D team, mature RNA synthesis and modification technology platform.
• Professional technical support team, providing comprehensive pre-sales guidance and after-sales service.
• Strict quality control standards, ISO9001 quality management system, all products are purified by HPLC.

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Service Options (Cat. #: S0016)

RNA Modifications

Service Modifications
Point Modification 2'OME, dspacer, dI, rI, dU, 2'F, 2'MOE, LNA, m6A, m5C, m5U
Special Modifications Cholesterol, GalNAc, DBCO, Desthiobiotin, Cy5.5, Cy7,
Hexynyl, BHQ1, BHQ2,BHQ3, MGB, ATTO Series
End Modifications Thiol, Amino Linker, Biotin, Phosphorylation, spacer C9, spacer C18
Fluorescent Labeling FAM, HEX, Cy3, Cy5, TET, VIC, TAMRA
CY3-BHQ2, CY5.5-BHQ3, CY7-BHQ3

Modifications for Small Nucleic Acid

Nucleic Acid Type Chemical Modification and Fluorescent Labeling Services
siRNA • Sugar Modification: 2'-Ome , 2'-F, etc.
• Backbone Modification: PS (phosphorothioate) modification, etc.
• End modification: Chol (cholesterol), Biotin, Thiol, NH2 , etc.
• Fluorescent labeling: Cy3, Cy5, etc.
• Customized chemical modification and fluorescent labeling proposal design
Antisense (ASO) • Sugar Modification: 2'-OMe, 2'-MOE, 2'-F, LNA, etc.
• Base Modification: methylated cytosine (5-Me-dC), etc.
• Backbone Modification: PS (phosphorothioate) modification, etc.
• End modification: Chol (cholesterol), etc.
Aptamer • Sugar Modification: 2'-OMe, 2'-NH2, 2'-F, LNA, etc.
• Base Modification: methylated cytosine (5-Me-dC), etc.
• Backbone Modification: PS (phosphorothioate) modification, etc.
• End modification: 3'-inverted thymidine, Chol (cholesterol), Biotin, Thiol, NH2 , fluorescent dyes, etc.

Delivery System Customization and Conjugation Services

Delivery System Service

GalNAc (N-acetylgalactosamine)

GalNAc is the targeting ligand of the sialic acid receptor (ASGPR), which is mainly expressed on the surface of hepatic parenchymal cells. The conjugate of nucleic acid and GalNAc enters the cell through endocytosis to function.

• Custom GalNAc Synthesis
• GalNAc-siRNA Synthesis
• GalNAc-ASO Synthesis
• GalNAc-miRNA Synthesis
• Customized design and synthesis of GalNAc delivery proposal


Peptides have better membrane permeability and strong resistance to degradation. Therefore, conjugating oligonucleotides with various biological functions to peptides can not only improve the biological activity of oligonucleotides but also enhance their cell permeability.

• Peptide Synthesis (drug peptides, custom peptides, RGD cyclic peptides, etc.)
• Peptide-siRNA Conjugation
Peptide-ASO Conjugation
• Peptide-DNA Conjugation
• RGD-siRNA Conjugation


LNP not only prevents degradation of delivered oligonucleotides and prolongs circulation time, but also facilitates oligonucleotide uptake, enhances intracellular transport, and facilitates endosomal escape.

• LNP-siRNA Conjugation
• LNP-ASO Conjugation

PEG (polyethylene glycol)

The half-life of PEG-modified ASO in the body is significantly prolonged, and PEG can reduce the excretion rate of oligonucleotides and promote the uptake of nucleic acid drugs by corresponding cells.

• PEG-Aptamer Conjugation
• PEG-siRNA Conjugation
• PEG-ASO Conjugation

Related Services

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Our Location

9610 Medical Center Drive, Suite 240, Rockville, MD 20850

