The Live Dead Bacterial Viability Kit provides research-grade fluorescence discrimination through patented NucView Green (ex/em 488/530nm) and Propidium Iodide (ex/em 535/617nm) dual-stain technology. Engineered for precise bacterial viability assay applications.
Key Features
• Membrane Integrity Detection: Green stains all bacteria, red identifies membrane-compromised cells.
• Gold-Standard Correlation: 98% agreement with CFU growth assays (liquid & solid media).
• Universal Compatibility: Optimized for Gram+/Gram- bacteria across 0.1-50μm size range.
1. Platform: Fluorescence Microscopy, Flow Cytometry
2. Detection Method: Fluorescent
3. Ex/Em: 500/530
Bacterial viability assay
1. NucView Green: 300 µl
2. Propidium Iodide: 300 µl
Store at -20°C and protect from light.
Case Study
Live and dead E.coli cells stained with LiFluor™ Bacterial Viability Kit. Live bacteria exhibit green fluorescence, whereas dead bacteria exhibit red fluorescence.