LiGreen™ Plus Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (500 μl)

LiGreen™ Plus Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (500 μl)

Cat. #: M0050
Availability: In Stock
Key Features:  

1. Safer than EB. Shown by Ames test and other tests to be non-mutagentic and non-cytotoxic.

2. Stable at room temperature.

3. Compatible with standard blue LED and UV transilluminators.

4. Use with blue light reduces mutagenesis for gel excision and subsequent cloning.


LiGreen™ Plus Nucleic Acid Gel Stain is a highly sensitive fluorescent stain for detecting nucleic acids in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. This single stain gives high sensitivity detection of double-stranded or single-stranded DNA and RNA. Gels can be post-stained or alternatively the stain can be added to agarose gels during gel casting. LiGreen™ Plus is compatible with a standard 300 nm transilluminator, a 254 nm transilluminator, a blue-light transilluminator, or a gel reader equipped with visible light excitation such as a 488 nm laser-based gel scanner. 

Gel staining with LiGreen™ Plus is compatible with downstream applications such as gel extraction and cloning. LiGreen™ Plus is efficiently removed from DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.

Component:  1. LiGreen™ Plus Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10,000× in DMSO): 500 μl
Storage:  Store at 2-25°C and protect from light.

Case Study

Nucleic Acid Gel Stain

Gel stain results with LiGreen™, LiGreen™ Plus, and LiGreen™ Ultra (Left), and comparison results with SYBR™ Safe and GelGreen™ (Right). Left: Two-fold serial dilutions of a 1 kb DNA ladder were loaded onto each gel in 3 lanes in the amounts of 25 ng, 50 ng and 100 ng (left to right), then post-stained with LiGreen™, LiGreen™ Plus, and LiGreen™ Ultra. Right: Results show LiGreen™ has similar sensitivity with SYBR™ Safe and GelGreen™, LiGreen™ Plus and LiGreen™ Ultra have much better sensitivity.

Cell permeability tests with SYBR™ Safe, LiGreen™, LiGreen™ Plus, and LiGreen™ Red. Hela cells were incubated at 37ºC with 1× SYBR Safe, LiGreen™, LiGreen™ Plus, and LiGreen™ Red for 30 min. LiGreen™ Plus and LiGreen™ Red could not penetrate cell membranes to bind DNA in living cells, and were much safer than SYBR™ Safe, which rapidly entered cells and stained nuclei.

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