LiTaq™ Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase (500 U)

LiTaq™ Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase (500 U)

Cat. #: M0030-05
Availability: In Stock
Key Features: 

• Versatile: Used for routine PCR, or with long, difficult templates.

• Extreme Fidelity: > 100× lower error rate than Taq DNA Polymerase.

• The extension rate is up to 10 sec/kb.

• Robust: Maximum success with minimal optimization, amplifies up to 20 kb.

• High Yield: Increased product yield using minimal enzyme.

• No need to change buffer for GC-rich templates.

• More specific and higher yield than most polymerases on market.


LiTaq™ Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase is a fast, high-efficiency, high-fidelity DNA polymerase with 5'-3' DNA polymerase activity and 3'-5' exonuclease activity. This polymerase is modified from other high-fidelity enzymes, has strong amplification ability, rapid amplification speed (4-6 kb/min), and high fidelity. This polymerase overcomes some defects of Pfu polymerase such as the poor amplification ability, low yield and amplification rate, which greatly shortens the reaction time.

This product can be used for the amplification of long fragments and other various complex templates. The PCR product does not have an "A" base at the 3' end and can be directly used for blunt-end cloning. For T/A cloning, it is necessary to add "A" to the end of the PCR product. This product has the characteristics of rapid extension, high amplification efficiency and high fidelity. It is suitable for experiments such as gene cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, and SNP amplification.


• High fidelity PCR

• High yield and fast PCR

• Blunt end cloning

• Complex templates

• GC-rich PCR

• Site-directed mutagenesis

Components:  1. LiTaq Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase (2 U/µl): 250 µl
2. 2× Ultra SuFi Buffer: 7×1.8 ml
3. dNTP Mix, 10 mM each: 750 µl
Storage:  At -20°C

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