The TIANamp Virus RNA Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective viral RNA miniprep method and it is suitable for virus RNA from plasma, serum, and cellfree body fluids. TIANamp Virus DNA/RNA Kit uses silica membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries. Viral RNA purified with TIANamp Virus RNA Kit is immediately ready for use. Phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required. The purified RNA is ready for use in downstream applications such as enzymatic reactions, RT-PCR, Southern blot and so on.
Key Features
• High-quality virus RNA can be obtained within one hour.
• No phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation are needed.
• High RNA yield and excellent repeatability.
• Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors, facilitating downstream applications.
Virus genotyping research, Virus epidemiologic study, Virus infectious diseases analysis
1. Buffer RL: 30 ml
2. Buffer GD: 13 ml
3. Buffer RW: 12 ml
4. Carrier RNA: 310 μg
5. RNase-Free ddH2O: 1 ml
6. RNase-Free ddH2O: 15 ml
7. RNase-Free Columns CR2 set: 50
8. RNase-Free Centrifuge Tubes (1.5 ml): 50
Store at room temperature.
1. Haplotype-resolved genome of Mimosa bimucronata revealed insights into leaf movement and nitrogen fixation.
Publication: Microbiology Resource Announcements Product: TIANamp Virus RNA Kit
2. CCR2 is a host entry receptor for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus.
Publication: Science Advances Product: TIANamp Virus RNA Kit
3. Suppression of flavivirus transmission from animal hosts to mosquitoes with a mosquito-delivered vaccine.
Publication: Nature Communications Product: TIANamp Virus RNA Kit