Lentivirus Packaging

Lentivirus Packaging

The lentivirus vector, derived from HIV-1 and engineered to incorporate the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG) envelope, is a highly potent gene therapy vector. Functioning as a retrovirus, it has been modified such that its virulence genes are replaced with an exogenous target gene. This innovative design allows the vector to efficiently integrate the exogenous gene into the host chromosome, thereby enabling stable and persistent expression of the introduced gene. Moreover, the lentivirus vector exhibits versatile infection capabilities, effectively targeting a broad range of cell types, including neurons, hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes, tumor cells, endothelial cells, stem cells, and others. This broad tropism ensures robust and reliable gene transduction, making the lentivirus vector an invaluable tool for advanced gene therapy applications. From gene synthesis to Lentivirus packaging, LifeSct provide a one-stop service, providing high-quality lentivirus vectors suitable for cell infection or in vivo animal experiments.

Key Features

• Wide Range of Infection: The Lentivirus vector infects both dividing and non-dividing cells& efficiently, including primary cells.
• Stable Expression: After infecting the host cell, Lentivirus integrates the exogenous gene into the host cell's genome, enabling continuous and stable expression through cell division.
• High Safety: Lentivirus is a recombinant replication-defective strain, ensuring operational safety as it cannot autonomously replicate.
• Integrated exogenous gene fragments are resistant to gene silencing.
• Capable to carry relatively large exogenous fragments, up to 4.8 kb.

Online Quote

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Selection Guide

Scale Package Turnaround time** Price





Customized Over-expression Lentivirus (gene ≤ 3kb),
Deliverables: ≥ 2x108 TU/ml, 200 μl
20-25 business days Quote
Customized RNAi Lentivirus (single target),
Deliverables: ≥ 2x108 TU/ml, 200 μl
20-25 business days Quote
Customized RNAi Lentivirus (Design 3 targets, 1 target with guaranteed effect),
Deliverables: ≥ 2x108 TU/ml, 200 μl
20-25 business days Quote
Customized sgRNA Lentivirus (single target),
Deliverables: ≥ 2x108 TU/ml, 200 μl
20-25 business days Quote
Customized sgRNA Lentivirus(three targets),
Deliverables: ≥ 2x108 TU/ml, 200 μl
20-25 business days Quote



Customized Over-expression Lentivirus (gene ≤ 3kb),
Deliverables: ≥ 109 TU/ml, 200 μl
25-30 business days Quote
Customized RNAi Lentivirus,
Deliverables: ≥ 109 TU/ml, 200 μl
25-30 business days Quote
Customized sgRNA Lentivirus (single target),
Deliverables: ≥ 109 TU/ml, 200 μl
25-30 business days Quote

* Download the list of Lentivirus vectors;
** Turnaround time includes plasmid construction and preparation.


Custom Lentivirus, delivered to specification:
Medium Scale: ≥ 108 TU/ml, 5 x 200 μl
Large Scale: ≥ 109 TU/ml, 5 x 200 μl
Free: Control virus
Medium Scale: > 108 TU/ml, 5 x 200 μl
Large Scale: > 109 TU/ml, 5 x 200 μl
Polybrene, 10 mg/ml, 1 x 200 μl (Free)
Dry ice/-80 ° C, avoid repeated freezing and thawing


Please use the $200 voucher for your first order

Voucher code: LV200S07D

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405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
