LiDirect™ Genotyping Kits

LiDirect™ Genotyping Kits

LiDirect™ Genotyping Kits are the combination of LiDirect™ Genotyping DNA Extraction Buffer and LiTaq™ Plus PCR master mix. It is designed for fast extraction of tissue DNA and subsequent PCR analysis. LiDirect™ Genotyping kit contains all the reagents needed to rapidly (15 min) extract genomic DNA from mouse tails, yeast, plant cells and other tissues, cells, hair shafts, and saliva. It also includes all reagents for subsequent genotyping PCR. The whole genotyping process can be completed within 1 hour.

mouse genotyping kit

Key Features

• The procedure is fast and simple, amenable to automation. Entire process takes less than 1 hour.
• Does not use hazardous chemicals such as phenol, chloroform, proteinase K or guanidine isothiocyanate.
• There is no need for mechanical disruption, organic extraction, column purification, or precipitation of the DNA.

Product Name Cat. # Price View
LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit (400 rxns) M0015 $199
LiDirect™ Mouse Genotyping Kit (400 rxns) M0006 $199
LiDirect™ Tissue PCR Kit (400 rxns) M0007 $199
LiDirect™ Yeast Cell PCR Kit (400 rxns) M0008 $199
LiDirect™ Genotyping DNA Extraction Buffer (2000 rxns) M0014 $299

Case Study

Taking advantage of our new proprietary formula, the LiDirect™ DNA extraction buffer enables fast DNA release from the toughest cells, and performs much better than traditional alkaline lysis protocols. Combined with our industry leading LiTaq™ Plus DNA polymerase, our LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit helps scientists to genotype all types of tissues and cells effortlessly.

Step 1: sample preparation
    • 1~2 mm piece of mouse tail
    • 5~10 mg of tissue

    • ~1×104 cells
Step 2: add 75 µl of LiDirect™ Extraction Buffer
    • Incubate at 98°C for 15 min
Step 3: add 125 µl of LiDirect™ Stop Solution
Step 4: set up 25 µl of LiTaq™ Plus PCR reaction mix
PCR cycling for amplification:

1. 95°C: 15 sec
2. 35 ×
    • Denaturation: 5 sec at 98°C
    • Annealing: 10 sec at 55°C
    • Extension: 30 sec/kb at 72°C
3. Final extension: 5 min at 72°C   

genotyping kit

Comparison of genotyping PCR results with Taq polymerase from different vendors
Template is mouse genomic DNA extracted with the LiDirect™ DNA extraction buffer (M0014).
Lanes 1-3 are our Taq products: LiTaq™ Eco PCR Master Mix (M0034), LiTaq™ PCR Master Mix (M0024), LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix (M0025).
Lanes 4-10 are competitor brands.

From these results, it can be concluded that our LiDirect™ DNA extraction buffer is compatible with most Taq polymerases on the market, but our LiTaq™ plus product line is more robust than most other products on market.

Product Name Cat. # Price View
LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit (400 rxns) M0015 $199
LiDirect™ Mouse Genotyping Kit (400 rxns) M0006 $199
LiDirect™ Tissue PCR Kit (400 rxns) M0007 $199
LiDirect™ Yeast Cell PCR Kit (400 rxns) M0008 $199
LiDirect™ Genotyping DNA Extraction Buffer (2000 rxns) M0014 $299

Customer Testimonials

"Using the LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit from your company, our lab members got pretty good results for positive control probes but not our mouse strains. The kit from your company is pretty good. We are optimizing the probe sequences and PCR conditions for genotyping now and at the meantime we are still using company service for genotyping. Once we are able to genotype our mouse strains in house, we will order LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix from you."

------ Boston Children's Hospital, Dr. Ye Sun, Assistant Professor

"The LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit that I sampled gave clear results and was much more efficient than the methods my lab had been using in the past. With the buffer that is included in the kit, there is no need to make an extraction buffer. Additionally, the quick extraction step (just 15 minutes) really cuts down on time and makes a huge difference. I am very satisfied with the product and plan on using this kit. Thank You!"

------ Icahn SMMS, Emmy Sakakibara, PHD


"I would like to update you on the LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit that I have been using for the past 6 month. We have definitely benefited from using this kit. The gel-electrophoresis-ready LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix significantly cuts down the required hands-on time to genotype our animals. For a project that is heavily relied on multiple lines of transgenic animal, this has had a huge impact. Thank you for a wonderful product!"

------ NIH/NCI, Dr. James Wang, Research Fellow

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405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
