The 1 kb DNA Ladder II consists of 8 DNA fragments, which are 1 kb, 2 kb, 3 kb, 4 kb, 5 kb, 6kb, 8 kb, and 10 kb, respectively. This product already contains 1× Loading Buffer and 5 µl marker can be directly loaded for electrophoresis gel. It is very convenient to use. The 5 kb DNA fragment is about 150 ng, which is the brightest band. The amount of DNA for other bands is about 50 ng.
Phenol extracted PCR products and dsDNA digested with specific restriction enzymes, equilibrated in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 10 mM EDTA.
• Range: 1000 ~ 10,000 bp
• Number of bands: 8
• Recommended Load: 5 μl / well
1. 1 kb DNA Ladder II: 500 µl
At -20°C
LifeSct LLC is a cutting-edge biotechnology company dedicated to serving life scientists worldwide since 2016. LifeSct's expertise encompasses a comprehensive range of fields such as molecular biology, synthetic biology, cell biology, immunology, proteomics and microbiology.