LiFluor™ Bacteria Cell Viability Kit (1000 rxns)

LiFluor™ Bacteria Cell Viability Kit (1000 rxns)

Cat. #: C0028
Availability: In Stock

The LiFluor™ Bacteria Cell Viability Kit delivers two-color fluorescence staining to distinguish live (green) and dead (red) bacteria using the probes NucView Green and Propidium iodide. NucView Green is a green-fluorescent nucleic acid dye that stains both live and dead bacteria, regardless of cell membrane integrity. Propidium iodide, on the other hand, is a red-fluorescent nucleic acid dye that selectively stains dead bacteria with compromised cell membranes. By combining NucView Green and Propidium iodide in the appropriate ratio, bacteria with intact cell membranes are stained a fluorescent green, while those with damaged membranes exhibit a fluorescent red color. This kit is compatible with fluorescence microscopes and flow cytometers, and its assay principles are broadly applicable to a wide range of bacterial types.

A standard criterion for assessing bacterial viability is the capacity of bacteria to proliferate in suitable nutrient media, a method known as growth assays. The results obtained with this kit are highly correlated with outcomes from growth assays in both liquid and solid media. However, under specific conditions, bacteria with damaged membranes might recover and proliferate, potentially being misclassified as "dead" in this assay. In contrast, some bacteria with intact membranes might be non-reproductive in nutrient media, yet still be scored as "alive." Therefore, these nuances should be taken into account when there is a significant discrepancy between the counts of live and dead bacteria as determined by this assay and those from growth assays.

Key Features

Simplicity: Reagents are simultaneously added, no wash steps are required.

Specificity and reliability: Distinct color for live and dead cell.

Versatility: Suitable for fluorescence microscope, flow cytometer or microplate reader.


1. Platform: Fluorescence Microscopy, Flow Cytometry

2. Detection Method: Fluorescent

3. Ex/Em: NucView Green: 500/530



Cell viability assay


1. NucView Green: 300 µl
2. Propidium Iodide: 300 µl


Store at -20°C and protect from light.

Case Study

Bacteria Cell Viability Kit               

Live and dead E.coli cells stained with LiFluor™ Bacteria Cell Viability Kit. Live bacteria exhibit green fluorescence, whereas dead bacteria exhibit red fluorescence.



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