LiFluor™ CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit provides convenient single-use vials for cell labeling. CFSE [5-(and 6)-carboxy fluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester] is a fluorescent tracer that diffuses passively into cells and covalently labels intracellular proteins, resulting in long term cell labeling. The compound is non-fluorescent in its initial state but exhibits a vibrant green fluorescence upon hydrolysis by intracellular esterases within viable cells. Following hydrolysis, the succinimidyl ester group interacts with intracellular amines to form fluorescent conjugates that remain within the cells. Unreacted CFSE, which does not form conjugates, diffuses back into the extracellular medium and can be easily washed away. Post-labeling, cells may be fixed using formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde. This kit facilitates the in vitro and in vivo labeling of cells, enabling the tracking of multiple generations through dye dilution analysis via flow cytometry.
Key Features
• Superior performance: Bright, single-peak staining enables visualization of multiple generations.
• Long-term signal stability: Well-retained in cells for several days post stain.
• Non-toxic: Staining does not adversely effect cell health.
• Simple, robust staining protocol.
1. Platform: Flow Cytometer
2. Detection Method: Fluorescent
3. Ex/Em: 490/517 nm
Cell generation analysis by flow cytometry
1. CFSE: 10× 500 µg
2. Anhydrous DMSO: 1 ml
Store -20°C and Protect from light.
Case Study
Cell generation analysis with CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit. Jurkat cells (~1×106 cells/ml) were stained with CFSE dye (1 µM) on Day 0. The cells were cultured for 7 days. Fluorescence intensity was measured with FACS flow cytometer.