TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit (50 preps)

TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit (50 preps)

Cat. #: GDP124-02
Availability: In Stock

The TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit uses unique silica membrane technology which can specifically adsorb plasmid DNA efficiently. Meanwhile, this kit also uses Buffer P4 and Filtration Column CS to eliminate contaminants like endotoxin and protein compounds effectively. The whole experimental procedure of plasmid DNA extraction could be finished within 1 h. The following protocol is for the isolation of plasmid DNA from overnight culture of E. coli in LB (Luria-Bertani) medium. The yield and quality of isolated plasmid DNA depend on the cell strain, cell culture condition, lysis of cells, copy number of plasmid, the stability of plasmid and the type of antibiotics.Plasmid DNA prepared by TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit is suitable for a variety of routine applications including restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, sequencing, ligation, and transfection to cells.

This kit provides a unique buffer formulation to remove protein impurities and other organic compounds from a maximum of 1-5 ml of bacteria medium per treatment. Higher purity of DNA can be obtained compared to traditional kits, and the DNA can be directly applied in molecular biology experiments such as enzyme digestion, transformation, sequencing and PCR.

Key Features

Rapid and high yield: 5-70 μg plasmid DNA can be extracted in around 1 hour.

Wide range of applications: Restriction endonuclease digestion, PCR, sequencing, ligation, transformation, as well asgene therapy, cell microinjection, gene silencing, transcription, etc.


Plasmid Type Bacterial Culture Volume Yield Plasmids
Low Copy 5-15 ml 5-25 μg pBR322, pACYC, pSC101, SuperCos, pWE15
High Copy 5-15 ml 15-70 μg pTZ, pUC, pBS, pGM-T


1. RNase A (10 mg/ml): 300 μl
2. Buffer BL: 30 ml
3. Buffer P1: 30 ml
4. Buffer P2: 30 ml
5. Buffer P4: 30 ml
6. Buffer PD: 30 ml
7. Buffer PW: 15 ml
8. Buffer TB: 15 ml
9. Filtration Columns CS: 50
10. Spin Columns CP4: 50
11. Collection Tubes 2 ml: 100


Store at room temperature.

Case Study

TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit

Extraction of plasmid DNA from variousvolume of bacteria culture medium using TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit.

The pEGFP plasmid purified by TIANprep Mini Plus Plasmid Kit was transfected into 293T cells. Expression of GFP were detected in 48 h post-transfection.

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