Customer Testimonials

Dr. Qingde Wang, Pitt

"We tested the SuperECL™ Western Blotting Detection Kit sample, and it did work well, same as the Pierce’s one. BTW, your LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit works very well, better than others we used. Also I have been trying to convince our purchasing department you are a good supplier to be considered to add to our vendor list."

Dr. Thomas Zhao, Signagen Laboratories

"We used QIAEX II Gel Extraction Kit, but always have problems with the recovery rate and purity, then we switched to LiPure™ Gel Extraction Kit last year. For several months, the kit gives better performance than the competitor's product with respect to recovery rate and purity. Our lab will stick to LiPure™ Gel Extraction Kit. "

Dr. Ping Yu, NCI/NIH

"I have been using LiGreen™ Ultra Nucleic Acid Gel Stain and dNTPs set (100mM each) more than one years, both products are of excellent quality and are cheaper than other companies, I will continue to use them."

Dr. Ang Guo, NDSU

"Our lab had a chance to try the LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix and LiClone™ One Step DNA Assembly Kit which perform very well compared with similar products we used before. We will order them later. Thank you!"

Dr. Ye Sun, Boston Children's Hospital

"Using the LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit from your company, our lab members got pretty good results for positive control probes but not our mouse strains. The kit from your company is pretty good. We are optimizing the probe sequences and PCR conditions for genotyping now and at the meantime we are still using company service for genotyping. Once we are able to genotype our mouse strains in house, we will order PCR master mix from you. Thank you!"

Dr. Emmy Sakakibara, Icahn SMMS

"The LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit that I sampled gave clear results and was much more efficient than the methods my lab had been using in the past. With the buffer that is included in the kit, there is no need to make an extraction buffer. Additionally, the quick extraction step (just 15 minutes) really cuts down on time and makes a huge difference. I am very satisfied with the product and plan on using this kit. Thank You!”

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405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
