Customer Testimonials

Dr. Tatiana Tarasenko, NIH/NHGRI, Staff Scientist

"We love your product. Any chance you can send as a quote as last time for 2 items of M0025-50 (or 1 item of M0025-100 if it is an option). It works great. Thank you very much!"

Dr. Guilian Tian, University of California, Irvine

"We need to order 4 more packages of 2× LiTaq™ PCR Master Mix (+Dye) (50 ml). The PCR master mix works pretty good for us and we have been using it for all of our genotyping. Thanks!"

Dr. Rebecca Payton, University of Tennessee

"We were pleasantly surprised at how well the LiQuant Universal Green Master Mix worked with our typically problematic samples. I was not familiar with LifeSct prior to this but will definitely keep them in mind for future molecular biology needs and would recommend this product."

Dr. Callen Hyland, University of San Diego

"I tried FadeStop Fluorescent Mounting Medium with DAPI (272L-00) on fixed samples of Hydra vulgaris. The DAPI staining was bright and fast and the mounting medium effectively preserved fluorescent phalloidin stain. Thank you for an excellent product!"

Dr. Xiang Li, UMBC

"I tried LiSpark Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase, and it worked as well as other high fidelity DNA polymearases for PCR reaction. The PCR products worked well for cloning reactions using DNA assembly kits."

Dr. Jun Nagai, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

"LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit worked very well. But our lab has a lot of previous genotyping kit. After we finish them, I can order your product. Thank you."

Dr. Qizhao Wang, AAVnerGene Inc.

"ExSembly™ Cloning Master Mix works very well in my hands for almost two years. It has similar or higher efficiency compared with other assembly kits!"

Dr. Zeping Luo, UCSF

"We have tested different samples from vendors. Your product is suitable for our research. We are planning to order one LiFect293™ Transfection Reagent. Thanks!"

Dr. Achuth Padmanabhan, UMBC

"I have been using the ExSembly™ Cloning Kit for two years and have had great success in cloning a wide range of DNA fragments using this kit. The kit is extremely easy to use and makes cloning a very quick process. The kit is especially ideal to clone multiple DNA fragments simultaneously into a vector. Compared to other approaches and commercial kits I have used in the past; this kit’s efficiency is very impressive. I highly recommend the ExSembly™ Cloning Kit."

Dr. Cale Smith, Innerplant Inc.

"I was having some issues with Phire Direct PCR Kits. I tried out your LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit and it worked great! Thanks y'all!"

LifeSct © 2025



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405 East Gude Dr., Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
