RNAsimple Total RNA Kit (50 preps)

RNAsimple Total RNA Kit (50 preps)

Cat. #: GDP419
Availability: In Stock

The RNAsimple Total RNA Kit adopts a new RNA extraction method based on guanidinium isothiocyanate/phenol method. The Buffer RZ can remove genomic DNA and proteins from cells rapidly and efficiently, making the obtained RNA highly pure and stable.This kit is used to separate total RNA from blood, animal cells, tissues, and plant tissues. Each spin column can process 50-100 mg tissue or 5x106 cells at a time and can process a large number of different samples simultaneously. The reaction can be completed in less than one hour, and the total RNA extracted has a higher yield, better purity, with no DNA and protein contamination, and can be used in various downstream experiments.

Key Features

• The high-purity ready-to-use RNA is suitable for sensitive downstream applications.

• Wide applications: The purified RNA can be applied to various experimental samples.

• The experiment can be completed in 1 hour with simple operations.



2. Northern Blot & Dot Blot

3. Real-Time PCR

4. PolyA Screening, in vitro translation, RNase protection analysis and molecular cloning


1. Buffer RD: 12 ml
2. Buffer RW: 12 ml
3. Buffer RZ: 60 ml
4. RNase-Free ddH2O: 15 ml
5. RNase-Free Columns CR3 set: 50
6. RNase-Free Centrifuge Tubes (1.5 ml): 50


Store at room temperature.

Case Study

RNAsimple Total RNA Kit can extract high purity and good integrity RNA from rat liver, rice leaves, cultured cells and yeast samples, with high efficiency. The RNA quality is comparable to or slightly higher than that of supplier L and T products..


1. Ameliorative Potential of (-) Pseudosemiglabrin in Mice with Pilocarpine-Induced Epilepsy: Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Apoptotic, and Neurotransmission Modulation. 
Publication: International Journal of Molecular Sciences        Product: RNAsimple Total RNA Kit

2. Shikonin Alleviates Gentamicin-Induced Renal Injury in Rats by Targeting Renal Endocytosis, SIRT1/Nrf2/HO-1, TLR-4/NF-B/MAPK, and PI3K/Akt Cascades. 
Publication: Antibiotics        Product: RNAsimple Total RNA Kit

3. Serratia marcescens PLR enhances lateral root formation through supplying PLR-derived auxin and enhancing auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. 
Publication: Journal of experimental botany        Product: RNAsimple Total RNA Kit

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